Natural Cycles: Birth Control Reviews – Page 4

5/5 rating based on 197 reviews. Read all reviews for Natural Cycles: Birth Control for iPhone.
Natural Cycles: Birth Control is free iOS app published by NaturalCycles Nordic AB

Costs $100

Bill Gates IV

When you open the app it won’t let you actually use it, except for a demo tour, until you pay the $100 yearly subscription. Deleted and will never return, thank you very much.

Loving it so far!


I’m 28 days an I’m LOVING IT! I have been on birth control since I was 18, I turned 29 in April and I am over all of the extra hormones and side effects that come with birth control! After about a month of detoxing from the pill, I started natural cycles. It has been exciting to see how my natural body works, it has definitely helped me to be more in tune with myself as a woman. It’s not hard to use at all, as soon as my alarm goes off, my thermometer goes into my mouth. I am happy to say that some of that bloat that I always carry while on the pill is gone and PMS is not so intense. One of the best decisions I’ve made for me!

Perfect Alternative


I’ve been using this app for birth control and it has not only been effective but super accurate for telling me when my period will start. I did this method before but with the fertility awareness method where you have to manually chart your temperature and cervical fluid so this is the modern version to that. I highly recommend!

So wonderful!


My husband and I use this app to aide us in NFP. It has been amazingly accurate and so great! I think what this app does to empower women to learn about their bodies and take charge of their fertility in a healthy and natural way cannot be understated. Thank you so much for this wonderful tool! If I could make a suggestion though, it would be maybe to tweak the wording of a particular message. I had my profile set to prevent pregnancy mode as my husband and I have not been actively trying for a baby. However, we are a couple who is open to life, so there are times (through no fault in the app) that we are knowingly intimate on a red day. I just found out that I am expecting and hit the follow pregnancy function. I was disheartened to get the message that said you were sorry I got pregnant while in prevent pregnancy mode. Now, granted I am someone who looks at all new life as a joy and a blessing, regardless of it being planned or unplanned, but for someone who may be more surprised and scared about an unplanned pregnancy may take that message to heart and it can be really discouraging. May I suggest that regardless of the mode a cycler is in, that you greet them with a message of joy and encouragement? Instead of “we’re sorry”, just say “congratulations” and then go ahead and have them take the survey you put in the message. This app is so amazing at spreading positivity and empowering women and I just think that should consistently be represented throughout.

I’ve never been more in tune with my body ...


I’ve been through birth control pills and an IUD and they both terribly messed with my hormone balance. I often times felt like I was insane and felt convicted when studying about our bodies how they were made to detox every month and how I was preventing my body from doing what it is supposed too. I realized my issue was I was underweight and that caused painful periods with irregularity. So I made the switch and have never looked back. I’m very regular, the app and thermometer are insanely easy and helpful, and I’ve never been more educated and in tune with my body. I recommend every woman have one and get to know how their body works. It takes all the guess work out.

Fast track to pregnancy

Glad I Don’t Live in AL

I can’t tolerate hormonal bc or the copper IUD, so I relied on the pull out method (successfully) for years. I’m 30. Found this and it seemed like it would be a little more sophisticated and reliable, and maybe my doctor would look less judgmental when i told her what kind of bc i was using. I used the app properly, bought the ovulation test strips from the company (btw those NEVER gave me a positive reading and I used up two boxes), even bought and read a book about the FAM to really make sure I was doing it right. Got knocked up barely 4 months in on a solid “green” day. Back to the good old fashioned coitus interruptus it is! Good luck out there.

Great App!


Love this App, but wish it was more postpartum friendly... Breast feeding and still not back to being regular, and trying to conceive again. It’s hard trying to measure right now because I’m getting up in the middle of the night to feed and temp. Readings aren’t as accurate. Would be nice to have some more options.

Absolutely amazing for tracking, but I wish more inclusive


This app is the most accurate I’ve used by far. I love the information and teaching me along the way, step by step. The only thing I’d wish for change is to be inclusive for same sex, or queer persons. Of course fertility apps are usually geared to heterosexual couples and it can make those within LGBTQ feel left out and outside of “normal”. All of that aside, this has really been amazing and I have a clear understanding of my cycle!

Highly recommend!


It’s really cool achieving a deeper understanding of the complexity of the female body. It’s like your own little science experiment! I also find it helpful for tracking how my moods/energy levels/skin conditions could be related to my cycle or not. I don’t think this is its intention, just something extra I do. It takes a little bit of an adjustment getting into the habit of talking your temperature consistently, but it soon becomes automatic. This also sounded much easier than the other NFP methods. I initially started using it because for me, the risks of birth control do not outweigh the benefits.

Pregnant on a “Green Day”


My husband and I used the app basically “perfectly,” measuring temp at the same time every day and adhering to rules about abstaining from unprotected sex on a red day. Just found out we are pregnant, with day of conception on a day that was green, several days after ovulation was predicted. I used the app for 7 months successfully prior to this. Proceed with caution.