YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream Reviews – Page 228

5/5 rating based on 7840 reviews. Read all reviews for YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream for iPhone.
YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream is free iOS app published by Google LLC



Commercials kill YouTube viewers, me at least

Comment section update.


The comment section was way better at the bottom of the screen having it there right under the video in small words that you have to click is ridiculous. #badmove

Why though


1.) Changing the comments in a way that’s frustrating and disincentivizes engagement. It’s so unnatural feeling. The “X” at the top taking you completely out of comments instead of just the thread. Seems like every comment thread I go into I end up exiting the entire comment section. 2.) Having every single update description be some silly nonsense instead of informing us on what is actually contained within each update. I get it’s not practical to put EVERYTHING, but what’s currently being done is really shady. 3.) YouTube propping up legacy media that’s migrating to digital instead of their home-grown creators. It’s a corporate landscape these days, completely whitewashed of originality and personality. For example, a lot of users don’t know you used to be able to personalize the whole background of your channel, not just the little banner up top. 4.) YouTube shadow banning people who don’t break ToS. This has been well documented and has forced many people into a radical lifestyle shift because YT isn’t dropping bag that they bust chops to earn into their lap anymore. It’s unsustainable for them now. 5.) What are we on now? Adpocalypse 3? 4? All of which were totally unnecessary had YouTube put one iota of effort into backing their own user base and content creators.

Good stuff


Good good stufff keep it up



The comments are now at the bottom after the description but it is better if y’all put it all the way Down.

an update?


this update is absolutely horrendous please put the comments back at the bottom i am begging you

New Update


The new update is pretty ugly ? with how the comments are i dislike that you must click on it to open comments and that in the top right the x button closes it out completely, also how big the recommended videos are now it is overwhelming and I almost don’t want to look at them

Comments moved again


Would you please stop it? Thanks.

Change it back


I love YouTube And I watch it daily but the new update is garbage. I hate that I now have to click on the comment section.

i love YouTube


I love it so I can watch my videos