After iOS 11 - many things are broken – Parallels Access Review

I have been using Parallel Access for more than a year. Generally, it worked well with a few quirks. However, after iOS 11 is launched, there are so many issues that using the application can actually DELETE your data: 1). Keyboard and input lag I have the same fast connection as before (been using it with Parallel Access). Now, the keyboard input lag that when you press delete, it won’t actually delete what you’re trying to delete. BUT, if you switch to another application while inside Parallel Access, it WILL delete the new application. Example: a. In Parallel Access, opened a text document. Press delete multiple times to delete some words. Nothing happened b. Still in Parallel Access, you switch to the Mail app. Suddenly the Delete button work and it started to DELETE ALL YOUR EMAILS 2). Keyboard stuck When you press Shift+key to capitalized a letter and then let go of the shift key, Parallel Access still read the “Shift” button and all subsequent characters are now in Capital! Given the above, I would not recommend this app.
Review by lanwarrior on Parallels Access.

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