Biased – Pocket Big Brother Review
Developer is biased towards houseguests and is not objective. The developer comments on game play and game moves like they are the worst thing in the world and very biased. Used to love this app but not anymore. You can see by the developer's responses to the poor ratings that they know they are trying to defend their biased opinions.
It hasn't been the same every year. In past years it was a simple "so and so is nominated." Now you are throwing in your opinions like "this was a terrible game move."
With so many negative reviews why aren't you owning up to the fact that you are biased?
And then on 9/1/2017 you call Alex dumb. Isn't that a form of bullying that you're accusing Paul of? A little hypocritical don't you think?
9/20/2017 More biased commentary that isn't based on actual game play. Terrible moderator
Review by Matt S.D. on
Pocket Big Brother.