Almost perfect ! – NoteMaster Review

I love the app. What I like is that I get to choose my own paper settings for the notes. For example my favorite is the spiral notebook. Gives it a very classy design. Very nice & clean & helpful to keep myself organized. I use this for organizing songs I like, copying lyrics down, to document places I'd like to travel, and so on. Some suggestions though. When you're away from the app for sometime, and you open it back up, it had to restart the app and load everything back and it's annoying. I'd like to be able to come back to my notes and come to the last page I was on. Another thing is it would be helpful if there were some function that allowed not just bold but maybe some underlining too. And when you insert a pic, it would be nice if you could just select multiple pictures so that it is a faster process. Because instead I have to click insert pic>choose pic>select pic>and then insert it. Too much clicks. It would be better if you could just click insert pic>select pic>insert pic. UPDATE: so another complaint. I would LOVE if you fixed the whole thing with adding bullet points. Like if I want to go back to as a bullet point, and insert a picture within a list, it won't let me so I have to go to the top of the list and start from scratch. I'd love to be able to skip a line and it have a bullet point. Because sometimes I just want that space but I can't because there's a bullet there. PLEASE fix these issues
Review by Boopinator <3 on NoteMaster.

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