Don’t get me wrong… – WebComics - Webtoon, Manga Review

I love the app and been using it for a few years now and I’m a plus subscriber but in all honesty the apps changed so much that benefits for being a plus subscriber is almost not worth it for the price anymore. Also when you guys just up the gem charge on chapters without notifying the readers it’s a big turn off because what used to take a small amount of coins or gems for a good handful of chapters, now for what we open the chapters with now is like a very small handful for over 50+ gems because the chapters prices increased a lot then what it used to be without getting any notification that it would be increased. It’s understandable if it was the authors wishes but at least notify the readers saying it’s going from 1 gem to 4. May not seem a big deal to some but honestly it’s not the same anymore and I still support my favorites but the switch from android to iOS meant I lost a great deal of chapters I had already previously bought so spending that much more to get them back especially favorite ones when the amount of gems we get for the prices won’t even cover half of the chapters… at least bring back the deals where for a day or two we get to buy some of those chapters back with coins or give plus subscribers back the chance to read chapters for free again since we went from that to paying the price for the chapters the same as if we weren’t plus only with the added benefit that we can read advanced chapters.
Review by SRRayflo on WebComics - Webtoon, Manga.

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