Once happy - now I cannot recommend – URC Mobile 2.5 Review

I really wanted to like URC. I gave it a really long leash but it’s failed me in so many ways over the few years. First and foremost the company charged me a premium for their SNP media streaming device which they discontinued about a year after purchase. I spent over a thousand dollars in equipment and installer expenses and URC decides that keeping up with the programming updates required to interface with Pandora, Spotify and XM is too difficult and doesn’t create enough profit so they just stopped! My SNP streamer is now a brick. This is just plain unethical. Just recently my URC amp went out. The installers came out to inspect and were told by URC that the amp is bad and because I’m 5 months out of warranty I’m out of luck - I could buy another at cost if I wanted to replace it. Really!? If I could actually find SONOS in stock I’d move to them instead - I launch everything from SONOS anyways. Just as the other reviewers have stated, the URC app is only good for on/off - IF it even decides to work and not throw an “system not found” or “System Update” message which both promptly crash out. This app has rendered my whole system virtually unusable. Error messages all over the place. If I cannot open the app to turn a zone on then what good is this multi-thousand dollar system? URC, you need to listen to our plea. We’re your customers and the reviews here are heavily skewed the exact same direction. There are some serious problems which to my eye have remained unanswered and certainly unaddressed. Please don’t abandon us.
Review by Nemeckay on URC Mobile 2.5.

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