Great but needs a couple of improvements – Switch App Review

I have been using this program for three months and it’s been great so far. However, the ability to edit your active reaches, in case you misspelled something or accidentally submitted before you could write it or need to change the frequency, would mean a lot to improving the experience. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been frustrated by such a tiny detail (including this morning) that still surprises me is even an issue at all. Please fix this and I will gladly give 5 stars. Edit: Also, i wonder if there is a way to get more content. After a while, listening to the same 21 day program can become mundane. I really liked the experience of learning something new each day. It was a big draw for me at first. Maybe include new lessons that build off the first cycle or even special videos that address how the long term memories should have affected your brain after three months? Just more content to look forward to. Further Edit: an option to undo a reset to ones cycle. If they accidentally reset their cycle to Cycle 1- Day 1 they should be able to undo this. A lot of these features I am asking for are ones that should be no brainers. I am sure there are more things this thinking could be added to to improve within the app. Please let me know when these revisions have been achieved so that I may fix my score.
Review by Macejones245$ on Switch App.

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