Incredible game! – Elune Review

I completely enjoy this game. It is my favorite gacha game right now. I am beyond the detectable range as of now and still increasing my power. Keep up the amazing work Gamevil. May God bless your entire company and your families, as well as the persons you know and help you in these tough times. Jesus Christ lives today but he died for our sins on the cross, was buried, and rose again on the third day. He is currently at the right hand of the Father. He is coming soon and will judge the entire world. Before his burial, a woman anointed Jesus Christ with perfume in memorial of his burial. Also Jesus Christ is the perfect sinless lamb of God and one more thing, he is God in the flesh. He has come to bring you life and life in abundance whereas the devil has come but to kill, steal, and to destroy. Don’t be deceived by this angel who tricked 1/3 of Gods angels into disobedience to God because of his own pride. Lucifer was so beautiful and his job was chosen to cover the throne of God but he still wasn’t happy and wanted the power that God had. He is used today to test us along with the fallen angels. We have free will, but we need to choose righteousness and not unrighteousness. Judge other’s righteously and not unrighteously. If we have sinned then we need to God in our life and particularly Jesus Christ in our hearts. A sin is anything that breaks the commandments and statues of God. There are many listed in Exodus chapter 20 of the Holy Bible. Please download the Bible application if you haven’t. But to state a few, any stealing is not only wrong but a sin, lying is a sin, murder is a sin, worshiping other Gods is a sin, esteeming something more than God is a sin, and coveting is a sin. But even if you have done all of these things, you can be forgiven if you repent of your sins, confess them to God, and accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your hearts. If you do not do these things, then you will certainly be in danger of the judgement which will consist of the worst possible thing, and that is to have eternal separation from God versus eternal life in Christ Jesus. This earth will soon pass away, and Jesus Christ will rule this earth. Do not accept the mark of the beast which is the number six hundred three score and six. Do not even write this in any of your names. We are getting closer to the point where the government wants to adopt a one world religion and mark this number on us or we won’t be able to buy or sell. If you have this mark on you then God will destroy you. This will confuse a lot of people but the key is to have your faith in Jesus Christ and to accept him so that you may be given the Holy Spirit, which will guide you and teach you all of what you need to know in due time as long as you continue to seek God and learn more of Jesus Christ his teachings and begin to deny yourself, pickup your cross, and follow him! We are in spiritual warfare right now and I am placing this message out in the name of God! So be it! If you need to know how to pray just go to a quiet place, say God, I come before you in Jesus name and I would like to follow you Lord Jesus and accept you into my heart. I hereby confess my sins to you, you say as to what they are and that you’ll turn away from them, say please God I would like to receive the Holy Spirit, and you may begin talking with God about your requests, and I would also say to God for him to help you to better understand him, so that you may be given righteous wisdom, as well as revelation, and let him know what is on your mind even though he already knows. He has known who you were before you were even born. He knows how many hairs are on your head at any given moment, and for him a day is as 1000 years and 1000 years as one day. He can read your thoughts, and he knows wherever you are. God is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscience, omniscient, and his love is agape love. He doesn’t want anyone to perish but for us all to come to faith and trust in him. He made us all. Without God you cannot do anything. Even if a devil is giving you the ability to do something, that devil was permitted by God, people may think I got this and that own their own but that isn’t true at all. Without God permitting it, you would not have it at all. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you, there most certainly is a spirit keeping you in some way. As for me, I am happy with the Holy Spirit guiding my life and if anything, because of my relationship with God and Jesus Christ, I can be assured that I will go to heaven and not suffer an eternal separation from God which will lead to me perishing. I don’t want any of you to perish either. Faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God. Please friends, read the Bible. Learn and search the internet, check in about bible prophecy. Stay alive and do not be afraid. God did not give us a spirit of fear but of a sound mind, of power, and love! If you fear it’s coming from a demon! If you doubt it is coming from a demon! If you get angry and you think you need to curse it is coming from the flesh, meaning that you are giving way until a weakness, and not of the spirit! Walk in love, peace, grace, and harmony! Love your neighbors as yourself, and God with all of your heart, your soul, strength, and mind. Brethren, we are one big family although some of us side with Satan, and some with a Jesus Christ but I ask you this, why side with an angel who doesn’t even care about your best interests? Satan hates humans, one of the reasons why is that we were created in Gods image and God loves us and he doesn’t love God because he has rebelled against him. He is the one who has devised the plot to kill Jesus Christ and before that, he was the one who possessed the serpent to trick Eve into eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and from there she persuaded Adam. Because of this sin, the first sin, we all experience pain, and death. Scientists still don’t know why we age to this day without this wisdom.
Review by StarcomGiga on Elune.

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