You've Been Warned – Jackpot Magic Slots™ & Casino Review

Stupidly Spend REAL thousands ??...Their attitude is: We don’t HAVE to comp you ANYTHING or let you WIN anything. Kiss OUR BUTT! Do NOT get entangled in the Big Fish Web... you will discover with time that it's not an ocean at all. It’s a cunning, slobbering devil... trapping you and sucking the life from you slowly. Your health, your money, your mind, and your time. Don’t get caught up in this game. They sent me an email asking for my review of my Vip manager Mike Sage. I let them know that I think he’s unfair. He emailed me personally and berrated me!!! Seriously??! Ok so they have no control over their own people and they can cheat players and run rough shod over them without recourse. Also THEIR player plants/robots are a ALL OVER the game. Just beware and don’t be fooled. You’ll spend THOUSANDS and they don’t give a flying F about how much you lose or win. It’s truly been unbelievable. No one made me spend. True. But WOW how they chew you and spit you out. Stay away. I don’t care WHAT they think of my review. They’ve been so bad to me concerning wins that I don’t care any more. For as much money as I’ve spent you’d think they would want to keep me happy... seriously folks, I’m not a diva or difficult. “Don’t look at what other players hit or have” I am told, after spending thousands and not getting any big hits. Well I’m an idiot for giving so many of my precious dollars to this game, but I’d have to be DEAF DUMB AND BLIND not to see what’s happening around me. Players who I KNOW aren’t spending like I am always have BILLIONS and hit big all the time. And I watch their bets too, so I know what games they’re on and what they are betting and how often they play. The customer should be king, but with this company in control of the machines, and all the $$ they have rolling in from far too many suckers, they don’t HAVE to care. We all need to quit dishing out the bucks!
Review by RoxieAli on Jackpot Magic Slots™ & Casino.

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