Not yet perfect – Motigo Review

So I’m a huge fan of whoever is in charge here. They added my half marathon so quickly and we’re so on point with helping me. However the app crashed at mile 3. Being in a pandemic and not being able to run my first half marathon with a crowd was a bummer and I thought that this was going to be the saving grace. I would suggest a couple things: don’t make people register to cheer, I had a couple people just not figure it out who would have cheered me on. And please fix the whole crashing problem, I’ve seen this on a couple other posts. It might be because I was running different apps, but those didn’t crash and yours did. I was able to listen to all the cheers I missed after which was nice but it truly would have been better if the app didn’t crash. (Or if you can’t fix the crash problem please allow us to listen to the cheers we didn’t hear, not rehear the cheers from mile one when we start it over. Thanks for the app though it did make my experience better!
Review by Jozef T on Motigo.

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