Ads and content – CodyCross: Crossword Puzzles Review

I know that ads are necessary, but why so many, why so long and the same ad all the time. Is there a need for 30 second game ads? 15 seconds is enough to get the point of the game across. Also, I have founds games that don’t match the same games in the online CodyCross online answers. It’s frustrating when the answers can’t be found either your help or from the internet. It would be nice if I trusted that people at Cody Cross read these reviews and tried to fix or st least change. I’ve been playing this game for a couple of years and I’ve noticed that not much has changed since my first review. If I could I would now rate this game with 2-3 stars.
Review by jegrinstead on CodyCross: Crossword Puzzles.

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