Horrible So Far – Fox Nation Review

Just signed up yesterday for the monthly subscription and as I am watching a 1/2 hour show of the Night Stalker, it has stopped working and closed the app 5 times! Wth? I made sure my iPhone is updated, deleted and reinstalled the app, but same thing. Will be cancelling if not fixed within a day or two. So far, been only a problem. UPDATE: Chatted with tech support for Fox Nation on and off for over an hour total. We went over all the typical stuff: iOS is up-to-date, hard reboot of phone, deleted Fox Nation app and re-downloaded a total of 5 times, watch a different show which DID NOT shut down. Only shuts down on the one show I wanted to watch - Night Stalker. They've had no other complaints about this issue. And yet it continues. Anyone??
Review by Avschamp on Fox Nation.

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