Game changer – Root Coding Review

I’m intimately involved in the world of code whether it’s building algo’s professionally or automating my “smart” home products (another logic puzzle). I’ve been fortunate to pick it up early in my career and soon learned it’s a force to be reckoned with. The whole euphoria that you need to be some kind of computer genius to learn it is completely false. In fact learning a second language was 5x more challenging for me and no I’m not really that great at math. So naturally I’m eager to get my 3 year old daughter started early and i’ve been waiting for something with this type of functionality to hit the market so she’ll stay engaged. It’s prob safe to say I’m an iRobot fanboy since I own all of their products so once I learned they purchased root robotics I immediately pulled the trigger. Plus the site says they plan to add python to the app later on and that’s arguably the language of the future so it was kind of a no brainer for me. Already my daughter’s in love..she calls it baby rooty. So all in all I have zero regrets so far. Yes it’s pricier than the other ones on the market but you’re absolutely getting what you pay for and the educational experience makes it $ well spent. Because of the technology boom in the US there’s currently a workforce skills crises and finally elementary and high schools are finally starting to address so you can bet that coding will be mandatory in the near future as it should be.
Review by cainering on Root Coding.

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