Great, but could use some optimization – Root Coding Review

I’d like to preface this review with the fact that I’m probably not the target demographic for this type of device. I completely understand that the developers of this app were aiming to “get anyone into coding” and that the robot is not meant for those who are already confident with programming, so take my complaints/suggestions with a grain of salt- this product is fantastic for those learning how to code. Anyways, Here are my personal complaints/suggestions. 1. Please fix the loading times. I’ve written a few hundred lines of code, and now when ever I attempt to open or close the code I am forced to wait several minutes. Every time I open my project in worried that it will never open- I’d appreciate a fix here. 2. Add some sort of function/method define block. The block/writing code hybrid system that is available on the 3rd level of programming can become very tedious to use since there is no copy/paste system or way to create blocks like in Scratch. For example, every single time you want the robot to draw the letter “A” you have to drag out “marker down”,”turn”,”move”,”turn”,”move”, etc. It would be so much easier to have a previously defined function”A” block that I could drag out instead. 3. Make color sensing a logic statement. Working with color scanning would be so much easier if you included it as logic because then you could put it directly into the flow control parameters. It would be a nice quality of life change to see. 4. Add python compatibility. I know that you have already said that you are adding it soon, but I’m going to ask for it again here in hopes to expedite this process. 5. Lower the pay wall for single person enrollment for the root academy. I’d love to be able to use the simulator when I’m on the go, but also don’t want to pay that 5/month fee. Overall, this product is fantastic all the way up until you get into the higher level ranges of coding where it could benefit from a few more features and fixes. Great work to the root team, and I hope to see a few of my suggestions in future updates.
Review by CoolCow247 on Root Coding.

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