I give up. – Antenna client for reddit Review

In 2017 the iPhone X was released. It had curved edges and a notch on the top. Apps had to be updated to fit the new displays form factor. It’s now 2019 and the 3 current modes all have notches and curved edges. In landscape mode, text still goes under the notch in text posts making it frustrating trying to read it. Text on the top left and right still go under the curved edges like it was formatted for a phone with squared edges. I loved this app so much before the notch and screen changes. I was fanatical about it and recommended it to all of my family and friends who use Reddit. Now I barely get excited when I see an update since it’s been a constant letdown for these 2 bugs for years now. I’ve moved on to other apps and even my friends and family who used to love it have moved on. I’ve even emailed the dev and left posts about the issue in the antenna subreddit with no success. I want this app to just work. It honestly was one of the best apps (not just for Reddit) on IOS. Now it’s just something I occasionally download again and check when a new update comes out.d
Review by LLoose494 on Antenna client for reddit.

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