Simply a video library – Daily M|WOD Review

I really appreciate and value what mobility wod has done for me over the last couple of years. I’ve bought their books and watched a lifetime’s worth of their videos and in the process I’ve learned so much and made incredible changes in my ability to move. This app is simply a way to view the videos already available on the mwod website with no additional tools. Since day one I’ve wanted an app that lets you sort by body part, pain, tools, etc. how about tracking progress? I think a body map a la Supple Leopard that lets you jump to a group of mobility prescriptions based on the muscle/joint/movement would be great. In short, this is the same content we’re all used to and nothing new. I know the things that I want are probably also on the mwod team’s wishlist, so hopefully it’s in the works. By all means, download the app for the ease of viewing videos, but know it’s not currently offering any additional benefit.
Review by flexybeast on Daily M|WOD.

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