I pay for the content but Stitcher is basically the Zune of apps – Stitcher for Podcasts Review

Do I love Earwolf’s original podcasts? Yes. Do I love my podcast app crashing on me every few seconds? No. My preferred settings never stay the same they always restore to default setting every few days, my downloads get deleted constantly, I select that I only want to download on Wi-Fi, but it ends up using up all my data anyways. I have installed and reinstalled, tried turning it on and turning it off again, and logged in and out like the mind customer service representatives suggested. But this is not something they can help. The organization in the structure of the app and podcasts change from podcast to podcast. So basically one podcast can be organized from newest to oldest, but the next will be the opposite, the next will be organized in numerical order, and then the reverse of that like a countdown for some reason? Another podcast can be organized by episode title alone, and some seem to have no organizational pattern at all. These issues matter in many podcasts, even if they didn’t what if you wanted to listen to them in the way that they aired? Why do some podcasts have seasons and others are an infinitely long list that you have to scroll down to the bottom of if you want to listen to them in order. When it comes to podcasts that have to be listened to in order and have 300 episodes, this is very unnecessary and frustrating. But then podcasts with 25 episodes are broken up into 5 episode seasons even when their continuity doesn’t really matter? This makes no sense. Frequently my other podcast apps have episodes that don’t appear to upload on Stitcher at all and Stitcher is the only one that I’m even paying for. I’ve contacted customer service plenty of times and while they were very polite and tried to help, none of the troubleshooting efforts ever work. Because it is the app that is the problem. It needs to be completely revamped. The end result leaves me paying for a podcast app simply in the hopes that I may be able to listen to the original content that I am attempting to pay for when I want to listen to it and that is not always the case. More often than not I get frustrated with trying and give up. It frequently downloads podcasts to my phone that I don’t even want, no matter what I do, what settings I change or how I use the favorites or saved episodes features, which in and off themselves are very useless and confusing. The only options to download new episodes are to download them all or deselect the feature which deletes them all. Which feels like this weird thinly veiled threat? Like either you download every new episode to keep our numbers up for ads and sponsorships or we delete everything you want to listen to. This whole part of the process is very manipulative and odd. So I either download it all or nothing? Or sift through a list of 500 episodes every day to find the ones I want and still have to get stuck downloading ones from years later I am nowhere close to being on. It seems as if the developers of this app are not quite sure how to do what they are doing. It is imperative that professionals be employed, because there are simple issues fundamentally wrong with this app that could easily be changed. When I as a user with little to no knowledge of programming could fix an app overnight you know you have a problem. I will continue to pay for Stitcher to have access to Hollywood Handbook, Off Book: TIMP, Wild Horses, Raised By TV, Threedom and many other Earwolf and Stitcher originals. And I am grateful when I am actually able to listen, and when I can’t I just look at the money being taken away from me in my bank account and write long letters to whomstever will listen about my distaste for this app. I’m gonna keeping using it, so take my money but you get 1 star and that’s for access the content (sometimes) not the actual app itself.
Review by tylerbradelyarnette on Stitcher for Podcasts.

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