Pretty awesome – Overcast Review

Like a ton of other people I switched because Apple's app just got to the point it was unusable. I'm a heavy podcast listener, 6 - 8 hours a day while working. I looked at the reviews and chose Overcast. I have been using it now for a few months and have not been disappointed. It's easy to use, very privacy centric and has many useful features/tweeks. I love the smart playlists, the per podcast settings, the custom back/forward seek times and the Smart Speed/Voice Boost. I listen to several podcasts where the podcaster speaks english as a second language so there's long pauses while they're speaking. The Smart Speed fixes that and has allowed me to listen to some podcasts that I just couldn't get through because of the speaking rhythm. As a final note, my wife, who listens for 4-6 hours a day, was complaining about the Apple app today and she just converted over to Overcast. So far she seems overjoyed too.
Review by Gadwall on Overcast.

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