Creepy Data Gathering – Facebook Review

Facebook’s data collecting “services” are audaciously inappropriate, offensive, incredibly invasive, deeply disturbing, and just over all creepy. Facebook has been suggesting that I add people as friends that I have never interacted with online, have no friends in common with, but do know and communicate with through text, call, or email having nothing to do with Facebook. I’ve had colleagues from work suggested that I was baffled as to how Facebook could have possibly known that I know them, people who I may have texted once or twice for work or other, ex lovers from outside of my social circle, and many more people that Facebook shouldn’t know I have any connection to. Additionally the personalized advertisements quickly cross the line and become offensive, invasive, and inappropriate. I’ve had Facebook give personalized advertisements for private medical issues that I may have texted my husband or emailed my doctor about, and again this is information Facebook should have no access to. My medical history is deeply private and personal, especially as a disabled person, and seeing personalized advertisements about private things I never post about or search for is disturbing. Additionally this accomplishes nothing for Facebook or its advertising partners. When I see ads like this, I don’t want to buy these products or support these businesses or anything at all of that sort! I’m usually disturbed and offended that Facebook has somehow uncovered my private information. Often the advertisements even contain misinformation about my disability that can add insult to injury. I’ve never met anyone who wanted to buy something suggested to them by a stalker, and I certainly don’t. Facebook is a great way to keep up with friends and family for sure, and is an impactful and relevant form of social media that’s really pivotal in our society, but this crosses lines that simply do not get to be crossed. If you want your private information to stay private, then I encourage you to stay away or else be incredibly mindful of your privacy settings, and to clear the cookies and texts in your phone or computer when you’re done to prevent Facebook from accessing them. It’s utterly ridiculous that that’s what it’s come to. As relevant to our society as Facebook is, there is no excusing this extreme violation of privacy. I hope this is resolved immediately, because if it isn’t, I and most of my friends will likely be looking for a different, less invasive way to keep in touch.
Review by ThomsSchuhe on Facebook.

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