One minute there, the next gone – Science Channel GO Review

So I really used to like the Sci Channel when I had cable. Now I don’t. And it’s not included in the cord-cutter streaming tv plan I have now. Then I found this app. And I went back and watched several episodes of Universe show and a few others with lots of commercials preloaded - but I figured that was fair enough because tv shows have needed ad revenue since the dawn of broadcast television. Then I popped back on the app after a week or so just to find all episodes are “locked” again and you need a cable provider to watch them - and they’ll still probably have commercials even though you’re paying directly for the station simply by having cable. I know the tv landscape has changed so much since netflix and streaming became the norm, but this old model of not one monetary platform via ads, but also wanting people to pay out of pocket for ad-infested content is too much. So I’m off to Youtube where they make you watch ads but don’t expect you to pay directly for the privilege to view more ads and ads and ads and ads. Scrw you, Sci channel! Pick a lane already.
Review by Kdove98 on Science Channel GO.

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