Does exactly what it SAYS it does – Night Eyes - Low Light Camera Review

No, it doesn't somehow magically install an infrared detector into your device. But it does amplify available light. Apparently, it utilizes capabilities already present in your camera, but that have been limited through software to prevent overexposure or damage, I guess. The first simple test I did when I got it was to look into a closet with the light off, and with my eyes, items in the closet were just dark shapes or silhouettes, through my regular camera, basically just dark screen. Then, looking through this app, dark shapes became recognizable items with visible details, although monochrome and grainy. Where before, you couldn't see anything, with this you would be able to tell that there is SOMETHING there; before, where you could see that there was something there, with this, you would be able to tell what it was. this is one of those apps that you might not really use all that often, but when you really need it, it just might save your bacon, or ease your mind in those "Something made a noise in the basement, and the light bulb is burned out" or "There's some kind of critter just beyond the light on the back patio" scenarios.
Review by Begin to paying on Night Eyes - Low Light Camera.

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