First impressions – YANKAI'S TRIANGLE Review

I had a few concerns before purchasing this game: 1) can I mute sounds to minimize the creepiness? (I wanted a peaceful game, not a creepy one) and can I listen to my own music while playing? 2) are the visuals bothersome? 3) do the puzzles get repetitive? 4) does the playtime justify the price? I’m a picky buyer. I look through reviews for days before picking something up. Yanki’s Triangle seemed pretty cool and it’s an endless, procedurally generated puzzle. I like endless puzzles and high score puzzles, so I was interested. Here are my answers: 1) yes and yes. It’s in the settings. Muting the background noises will also mute the noises of the turning and clicking triangles, though (they’re indistinguishable, so you get complete silence). Play your own music by swiping up and pressing play. This also mutes all sound effects, even with the volume up. There are also a few bugs with playing your own music. It’ll freeze and you have to start over (on that level, not the game!!!) 2) I was not bothered by the visuals. The grainy effect was meh. May get tiring after a while. The triangles get slightly larger and smaller, as if they are breathing. 3) I have not played long enough to justify answering this question. Levels zoom by like nothing, though. I slammed through 30 of them in 40 minutes. I’m sure the later ones take longer, but that’s a warning to be wary despite people claiming to be on level 600 or whatever. Still impressive though :) 4) again, haven’t played long enough. I’m going on a trip (no wifi! Which is why I was looking for a good no-WiFi game) for a week or so. I will update my review when I come back. Other notes: it seems like a fast addiction kind of game. I’ve read that new mechanics are introduced hundreds of levels in, though. I don’t have a good stamina for puzzlers (Threes lasted the longest for me) but we’ll see. I’ve been dissatisfied with puzzles lately. Twofold Inc. was a disappointment, and I was upset I couldn’t refund it; but Alto’s Adventure (an infinite runner) was fantastic. Maybe I should take a break from puzzlers lol. So, the praise I’m giving to this game is probably due to the new game high I’m experiencing right now (that initial excitement of playing something new). I’ll update once that fades. Update: the more I played the game, the more I felt something was missing. Ive finally realized: this game has no atmosphere. The difficulty curve is broken. There is no score to chase — I can’t understand the scoring system and my research has come up with nothing. It’s not soothing like most puzzlers; while I appreciate the uniqueness and respect the creepy tone I think the developer wanted to show, the lack of music makes it seem somewhat bland. That is, I’m not feeling the creepy vibes. If there were equally intoxicating music, I would appreciate it more. I’m stuck on a level and nothing is urging me to finish it. I don’t feel a sense of satisfaction; lack of scoring and lack of atmosphere (music) keeps me from satisfaction. -2 stars
Review by Djdixhdnjakakdoekenjririfj on YANKAI'S TRIANGLE.


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