GREAT for spoken word - especially at higher speeds – Overcast Review

The best podcast app for sound quality when you want to listen at faster speeds. But it drives me insane that it doesn’t separate out podcasts where all queued/downloaded episodes have been played. Yes, it has a “played podcasts” section but in reality it is an “all episodes deleted” section because it only considers a podcast episode "played" if you delete it. Sometimes I want to keep a played episode in the main list so I can remember to play it for my wife or download the episode later so I can keep a copy (I have to use Downcast app for that). Also, this makes no sense to me considering a played episode turns gray when in the list. Lemme get this straight: if all episodes are grayed out that means they have all been played... but it is still not enough to move the episode to the “played podcasts” section of the app. This drives me nuts because I have several podcasts subscriptions and I want to see only the ones with I played episodes at the top of the list. Instead I have to open each individual podcast to find the ones that actually have unplayed contend. I’m a paid subscriber and I BEG the developer to remedy this!
Review by DJ Rizzo on Overcast.

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