Sweet nutrition at-a-glance – HealthWatch 360 Review

For several years now, HealthWatch 360 has been one of the most comprehensive food trackers in terms of nutrition (which is what REALLY matters for health). While other popular trackers continue to only highlight the basic macronutrients that one finds in food labels (protein, fat, carbs...), HealthWatch 360 gets detailed, with over 30 nutrients (includes nutrients like manganese, choline, omega-3, lutein, etc). With this new version 2.0, it now looks better than ever (upload your own avatar pic!), and includes 2 new features called HealthWatch Goals and Personalized Nutrition. Basically, you can now set the levels of nutrients that you need, for your life. If you choose a HealthWatch Goal (like 'bone health', for example), the app will set your nutrition levels to match this, and will also allow you to track things that are relevant to 'bone health' (sun exposure, joint pain, menopause, etc). Meanwhile on Personalized Nutrition panel you can see what the new nutrient levels are, and can even adjust them further (maybe based on recommendations by your dietitian or doctor). And now there are Meal Plans for your entire day’s nutrition all-at-once! Great improvements; this tool keeps us moving along "on the road to healthy".
Review by Sandro Alberti on HealthWatch 360.

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