Fantastic – RPN Calculator 48 Review

Most importantly, it doesn't do what you don't want to do. How novel! I deleted my last RPN. Gave up. With that one they went thru great effort make it look EXACTLY like a 32s. Er uh- we aren't matching a set of seat cushions here. You needed a toothpick to hit each tiny little key. Also- who is going to do complex clacs on a hand held? If you're a student taking a test you can't. If you're a student at home you have your desktop or laptop. If you're an engineer, you're holding this thing in your had while the computer is doing the complicated stuff. Or you're at a job. You're going to solve a 3rd order poly equation out on a job holding this thing in your hand? No you go back to your car and use your laptop. Geeze! Don't app writers get out much? Theses guys that designed this one kind of get it. A perfect product. And you can set the keys to flash when you press them. That's the best idea I've seen in a long time. No looking back and forth to the screen to see if you pushed the right key. And a settings window? Gee- why not make it like the 32s where you can't figure out anything without spending 30 min sorting thru a 200 page pdf copy of the manual? (written by the same guys that designed the program). Thanks. You guys (the designers) made my week.
Review by MattEngineer on RPN Calculator 48.

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