Addictive Logic Game... – GE Hashiwokakero Review

...reminds me of chemical bonds, the bonds between atoms when you draw molecules in chemistry class. Another great job by this developer. You can choose level of difficulty. You have to make horizontal or vertical bridges between the numbered bubble. The bubble or "island" has a number that tells you how many bridges or bonds connect to it. Double bridges, close parallel lines that count as 2 bridges, remind me of double bonds from chemistry. (triple bonds are not allowed) When you're sure you've completed the bridges to a bubble/island, you can click and hold on it, and it will turn white and bright along with the bridges connected to it...this will help you know you're done with that part of the picture and help you finish faster (because you don't keep going back and inspecting it needlessly). What was important for me to realize is that bridges are not allowed to cross each other (in a perpendicular fashion)...realizing that makes the puzzles a lot easier. You connect the islands/bubbles with a bridge/line by dragging your finger from one island to another island. A lot of times it's easier to start with the bubbles with large numbers (like 6 or 7) or that only have the number 1 or that don't have many neighbors in their EXACT column or row (look straight up, straight down, right and left from the bubble you're inspecting, to see which neighboring "island" it might connect to). So if a bubble is numbered 6 and only has 3 other bubbles it could connect to, that's 3 double-bonds (double bridges)...3x2=6. If that same bubble was numbered 5 instead of 6, you could start by drawing single bonds to the 3 allowed neighbors, and at a later point you can deduce which 2 neighbors will get an extra bond (double bridge). One more thing: Imagine you're driving a car and your solution to this puzzle is a have to be able to reach all the "islands" with your car (even if it takes a long time crossing lots of bridges). In other words, you cannot create a group of islands that has no connection to another group of islands! All of the islands must be directly or indirectly "connected" to each other! So don't complete a small set/group of 2 or more bubbles that doesn't have any connection to the rest of the picture...the game will tell you that you messed-up! Another A+ for the developer from me, an obvious chem major. 2 games that I love at a great price...great work!
Review by catsarecool_007 on GE Hashiwokakero.

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