Spirit Roots Reviews

4/5 rating based on 36 reviews. Read all reviews for Spirit Roots for iPhone.
Spirit Roots is paid iOS app published by FredBear Games LTD


ugh all of them are taken

Haven’t played hyped

Won’t load


I’m trying to load this game on my iPad Pro 3rd gen tablet but it won’t load once you try to play

Too easy to die

Dad Times Two

I’m no greenhorn when it comes to platform games, and while “Spirit Roots”features a smoothly animated and generally responsive and easy to control player character (I had issues with double jumps because my thumb kept missing the jump icon on the second jump), it’s too easy to die in combat. You get hit once and you’re dead, and it’s hard to see the enemy projectiles. I deleted this game out of annoyance after about 15 minutes of play.



So far I am loving this game, it’s fun, and just so pretty

Wow this is great!


This game reminds me of the old gaming I used to love where you needed some skill to beat levels. It kind of feels like ninja garden or shinobi with a cartoon exterior. I haven't tried it with a controller yet but haven't had any issues with the onscreen controls. I don't think it's too hard but I grew up in the 80s and 90s with Nintendo and Sega so I'm used to games like this. I have to get back to playing but wanted to let everyone know not to worry about the other reviews and try the game if you like classic platforming games!

One hit, really


This game looks and plays great but one hit to kill that’s just doesn’t even make sense

Could be better


I really do want to enjoy this game. It is quite fun and the controls work well for the most part. However like everyone else said the whole get hit once and respawn at the last checkpoint can get quite annoying. If they fix this I’ll gladly give it 5 stars



I’m stuck on the first stage where it prompts you to shoot at an enemy. I’m pressing shoot and nothing happens. Already tried reloading the game and it gets stuck at the same point.

Beautiful, enjoyable game with a few possible annoyances.


I agree mostly with other reviewers in that the deaths do get annoying and feel a bit cheap at time. I also feel that the camera is a little close, making jumps and enemies hard to see. I realize that you are going for a sort of old school feel in that aspect. I also think that a three-hit system is more favorable, as a lot of platformer games use it presently. A few other things that bother me some what are the noise the character makes every time he moves gets a little annoying and the way the camera moves with you when you are moving but moves back to you when you stop, combined with the field of depth, tend to make me a little nauseated at times. One addition I would like to see is button location and/or sizing options. I realize some of this is nitpicking and only my opinion but it is because I really love everything else about it. I love all the art and animations a great deal and I like the characters, music and the story a lot as well. It is because of this that I decided to write a review. I enjoy your work and look forward to future projects. Thank you.

Looks great. Full stop.


The world you created looks great and it’s what got me to buy the game. I was excited to see what the story of this world would be, but sadly, no story. The game starts cold (unless there was a story that didn’t play for me?). No idea why I’m on this quest, who the bad guys are, or why there are little ghosts (?) hovering around me. Give me a reason to keep playing. I get you’re going for the old school feel with the instant deaths, the difference here is the you have no space to react to the pitchfork flying at you. Contra gave you a very zoomed out screen with time to dodge the bullets (plus, at the time, the graphics weren’t good enough to have tighter cameras). You made a beautiful game that requires a close camera and therefore no means to react or protect yourself from a quick flying pitchfork from close range. Finally, is there any character ability development? I’m 3 or 4 levels in and would love to know there’s some twists or something to keep this from becoming monotonous.