Looks great. Full stop. – Spirit Roots Review

The world you created looks great and it’s what got me to buy the game. I was excited to see what the story of this world would be, but sadly, no story. The game starts cold (unless there was a story that didn’t play for me?). No idea why I’m on this quest, who the bad guys are, or why there are little ghosts (?) hovering around me. Give me a reason to keep playing. I get you’re going for the old school feel with the instant deaths, the difference here is the you have no space to react to the pitchfork flying at you. Contra gave you a very zoomed out screen with time to dodge the bullets (plus, at the time, the graphics weren’t good enough to have tighter cameras). You made a beautiful game that requires a close camera and therefore no means to react or protect yourself from a quick flying pitchfork from close range. Finally, is there any character ability development? I’m 3 or 4 levels in and would love to know there’s some twists or something to keep this from becoming monotonous.
Review by Kjpep on Spirit Roots.

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