5/5 rating based on 92 reviews. Read all reviews for SIEGE: TITAN WARS for iPhone.
SIEGE: TITAN WARS is free iOS app published by Simutronics Corp.

Another pay 2 win atrocity. Shocker.

Stock wars user

You won't be able to compete with most players who pay to unlock different titans, troops, spells etc... you will be matched with them. And they will win. Horrendously unbalanced. Unless you plan on dropping $50 right from the start, don't bother downloading this worthless game. Edit: And if you do decide to play, once you get to a certain skill level you will quickly be matched with players who artificially lower their victory points so that they can win every match. I’m matching with people who are months ahead of me from card level perspectives. This game is one step above complete garbage.

Too much cheating


All the Asian players pack the need to have a regionally locked. This could’ve been a good game but I’m uninstalling it

Pay to win crap


This has been nothing more than a pat to win experience. The challenge mode will put a 500 up against a 1000. The copters are well over played and you have very little defense against them. It’s extremely unbalanced game play.

Good game, had potential.


The game still needs a lot more tweeting. Especially the challenge section of the game. The pvp player matching in challenges is completely broken. I don’t know if it’s because of the lack of player. Which makes the game match players that are like level 6 to be matched with players up to level 8 and 9 Which is the case for every match.

I like it but...


Every time now every time I click battle I get in a match and immediately get kicked out idk why but I hope you fix it soon this game is super satisfying to see an army charging with giants to assist them. I hope this gets fixed soon



Not really Excited after finished downloading this game since it says that I can’t connect to the the server when I have good Internet Connection And it shows you a black screen for me it says that it is available for this device THEN WHY IS IT NOT WORKING!!!!

Pay to win


This game could be great but unfortunately you can purchase the titan hunter or the tentacle and pay to win. Makes matters worse you cannot get these cards through chest, only by in app purchases. The developer will change card stats without informing anyone, making Deck building worthless. Lastly it seems that my win-streaks are beaten not by other players but CPU’s that are built into the game. Total waste of time if you think you can strategically win at this game.

This match making is a joke


Fun until about level 4 when they forget how to match make. Dumb dumb

Devs Nerf Like Crazy, Pay To Win, Bait and Switch


I have been playing this game every day over a year, and I have been one of the top 100 players in the US in the last couple seasons. I loved this game. I really did, but several problems have emerged over the last few months. Mainly with regard to constant, meta-exploding nerfs that have really ruined the game for me. I had been building my deck for a long time, and two months ago cards I had either paid to get to a certain level or ground like crazy to get to that level were nerfed to being useless. So, I set up a new deck. Which last week, almost every card in my deck got knocked into oblivion. Once you hit 1000VP, the matchmaking in the game changes, basically 40% the time you are against people who you have a fair competitive match, 10% against people you will destroy and then 50% you are against people you don’t have a chance with. The only way you have a chance of making up for the mis-match in matchmaking is to use a creative strategy where you rush the castle and skip the towers. The devs don’t like this, they want you to play the cards the way THEY intended, regardless of how you want to play them. In the last round of updates, cards were reduced by 60% of their effectiveness. Other cards had random variables added to them to make them less effective. Even though you may have paid real money to improve those cards when they did not do these things. It’s like Samsung updating your TV to lower its resolution after you have had it for a year. I had five of the cards they just nerfed in my deck, and I was not even coming close to winning every game. It was not like people weren’t figuring out my strategy and successfully countering me. They also love to introduce major game changing mechanics every month. Last month, they introduced dusting cards you don’t want that can be used with gold to create cards you do want. Good change, but rather then giving that time to impact the game, they roll out another slew of changes. The game has no constants, any thing you spend your time investing in can be upended at any point without regard for the time and money you have invested in the game. Everything is designed to get you spend more real money, which I am not going to do all the time. The devs have even admitted that they don’t test out a lot of the changes they make before they drop them. Bottom line - nerfs and buffs should be used to solve problems in the game, and should be done as a last resort. Rather than how these guys drop them because too many players are using a card or not enough players are using a card. Also, constantly arbitrarily adding features that they don’t plan to do much with makes the game frustrating then fun. BTW, has anyone gotten a universal card yet? See what I mean?

Flipping Fun


I mean... seriously - an amusing game with a twist on other castle wars.