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RControl Admin

Configure your device remotely, anywhere, anytime!
Category Price Seller Device
Utilities Free M2M Services OOD iPhone, iPad, iPod


The RControl administrative application requires an M2M Services cellular communicator and valid administrative account credentials. Feature availability varies based on system, equipment, and service plan. For more information contact us at [email protected]

• Configure your M2M device remotely

- change the notifications received from the digital inputs.

- switch between different event formats

- enable/disable various features supported by the M2M devices.

- Overwrite the account number set on the alarm panel with the one from the M2M device.

• Review 12 months of event history.

• Receive real-time information about the device cellular signal level, mobile operator, input voltage, status of the inputs and many more

• Configure and manage multiple devices from a single account.


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