Not bad. – Dragonwood Academy: A Game of Stones Review

This is obviously a new game, but I like how it's made. While unique, it can grow boring quickly. Some suggestions; add a "quit" button when your stones are defeated. Makes it easier to just go on a quick run on the go. While the customization feature is unique, it is limited to the point where it is absolutely unnecessary; and this is advertised as a selling point. The game should have a story or hook to keep the player interested and motivated to keep playing. Quests, open world, or something to at least expand the idea itself would be very helpful. It's too simple and gets dull quick. However, it's fun for about 30 minutes. The game also lacks worldwide functions. For a game like this, interacting with player decks around the world should be necessary. This game has potential but it also seems rushed. I'll give it three stars; I would like to see the developers expand on how to make the game more addictive for players.
Review by Kinwart on Dragonwood Academy: A Game of Stones.

All Dragonwood Academy: A Game of Stones Reviews

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