Not Actually A Thing – Cut The Grass - Time for Adventure Review

I have seen games before that offer IAPs. I have played many games, both offline & on which allow users to pay for play. I have even paid money into such games, though mostly only on PC/Mac. But guess what? In order to fork over some $ , you've got to actually draw me in, earn my loyalty & trust, entice me with...SOMETHING. I've never seen such a blatant attempt at hastily creating an app as a legitimate method of get peoples' money. This one here - Cut The Grass Puzzle Adventure? This one here is the QUEEN MOTHER of all money-grubbing/vaguely disguised attempts at basically asking people to hand over some cash. Come on. Integrity.
Review by YaelleG on Cut The Grass - Time for Adventure.

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David Archer


I don't like it!!!