Complete horse crap! – Pregnancy by Week Review

I can't believe this app is allowed! I downloaded the app after reading a review saying the info is wrong and I was curious HOW wrong it was. The women who thought this app was "good" or "informative", you must either live under a rock or you're illiterate. I hope you're not pregnant, and if you are, please give it away! The first week started out strong then week two appeared to be written by a second grader, filled with grammatical errors and terribly inaccurate info. That's typically the week of ovulation, NO ONE should be getting a positive HPT! The rest of the weeks are severely screwed up as well. I glanced over the symptoms portion and they mention morning sickness starts as early as the first week... That's the week of your period stupid! I demand this app to be removed as not to further confuse the dull women who conceive on the first try and actually have no clue about their bodies.
Review by chattyallie on Pregnancy by Week.

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