You must be joking? – Concussion Coach Review

I suffered a concussion 4 days ago. I'm still housebound by dizziness and pain. The app assessed my moderate symptoms and proceeded to suggest ways to manage symptoms. Feeling distressed suggestion: go to the beach written over a smiley face..umm I'm in Tennessee and get dizzy at random moments. Headache suggestion: go to the bookstore -also written over a smiley face. This is just another example of how the government spends recklessly and manages to under serve veterans at every turn. Designer: please learn basic info about concussions and the garbage you have written can be changed to actually help someone. It was worth the splitting headache to write this so no one else has to be immensely let down. Good luck and happy beach and book store browsing.
Review by CerberusActual on Concussion Coach.

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You must be joking?
