dinner table savior – Get Gabbin' Review

every night i pose a question at my family's dinner table. my kids, aged 12, 10, 6, have come to love this tradition and many times ask what is "the question of the night". as you can imagine given the tumult of work and life it is hard to have a ready-to-go question, a good thought-provoking question at least, every day of the week, every week of the year, year after year. as such, it's almost like this app was made to solve my personal dinner-table problem. now moments before walking through the door, if i don't have a question queued up and ready, i'm just a swipe or two from salvation. additionally, my family is most impressed with my seeming endless supply of meaty and unexpected questions. additionally, this app is money before walking into a party or lunch as i try to avoid the "so what do you do?" question as i deem it rather soulless and uninteresting. given the above two points, apple should consider including this app in the self-help or productivity sections of the store.
Review by liquid_monkey on Get Gabbin'.

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