Good but these changes would make it great – Ultimate Hokage Duel Review

Have a better way to rank characters so far SSR+ and SSR characters can’t be distinguish from one another the Ascension for characters is way to challenging same for leveling up to keep SR characters like young naruto and sasuke stay relevant make it to where they can evolve in other words Young naruto can go through 1-3 tails and sasuke his curse mark form change the color of SSR and SSR+ summon to make them distinguishable also add a new summon animation one that’ll give you idea of what you might I’ve pulled then make 10 draws SSR or SSR+ assured make storyline match up opponents relevant to the actual story easy up on the items it takes to level up a character and equipment but don’t make it too easy and make SSR characters exchangeable for other SSRs drop same with SRs this will allow us to be able to prioritize a character you’ll make money regardless if the game gets better so don’t make it to we’re the only chances of getting a character is by spending if someone likes the character and the stats are good for they’re desired team then they will spend or if they simply want to get ahead don’t make the boss characters big it’s just unpleasant to look at simply change the name color and the SSR and SSR+ plus characters obtain from items should be selective not random so we can prioritize don’t include SSR+ characters with SSR characters in the item give us it’s own item and make status effects more realistic to its Skill or combination give us Character links based on relation and skills in other words naurto skills should compliment sasuke skills so the bigger the bond base on the series the better they should link in-game same with tailed beast so that 1 tails wouldn’t be significantly weaker then 9 tails because in the story the tail beast all had something that made them special and how strong the one holding them depended on the bond between the two ten tails is stronger then all of them because it was all of them put together so that makes sense if you plan on making another game reach out to me I can give you ideas on how to make a profitable game with longevity
Review by Cpt.Ari on Ultimate Hokage Duel.

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abgybdakouvdjakk hi ng

Nice game

Amazing game

Good Game.
