not even close to past games' quality – Angry Birds 2 Review

it's okay. i guess. it's not a terrible game, at its core it is still an angry birds game like the others. but it's so blatantly clear that they've sold out with countless ads, a million different ways to get you to give them money, weird gambling mini games, etc. less is more with a game like this. pats angry birds games were absolutely amazing in how simple they were. i miss those games so much. i hate tapping through obnoxious, incessant tutorial dialogue that is completely unneeded, and nothing annoys me more than games that stop you from playing when you lose lives. having to wait hours for your ability to play to reload is ridiculous. i just can't comprehend why they had to downgrade so much. i won't be playing any of these games again for the near future.
Review by Enderdragon0926 on Angry Birds 2.

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