Candy Crush in Birds Feathers – Angry Birds 2 Review

If Angry Birds 2 were as it is now but used the original Angry Birds model (you pay a small fee and then get free updates) this would easily be 5 stars. But the way they approached this destroyed the game. 1) I like to retry for a higher score - not going to do this here because of the candy crush lives system. Therefore, right there, the game lost its playability and fun factor for me. Not to mention when you mess up (or the game messes up) you can't restart the level which is NECESSARY for this type of game! 2) you use birds when you don't want to. I'll click the screen for the birds power up and next bird comes flying behind. Not a problem in previous angry birds - just restart the level - but here that'll cost you a life because the game malfunctioned. 3) IAP for powerups I can live with. But IAP to play a game is something I will NEVER purchase. I will buy a game to OWN and expect updates to said game for free. But I won't buy 5 extra lives. This model has always seemed greedy and stupid to me and I for one will not fall for it to line the pockets of greedy developers who are already rolling in dough when I can't afford a car to get to work. Now you've reduced it to 3 lives?!? Seriously? You did the EXACT OPPOSITE of what your customers have been furious about! We wanted the old system meaning NO LIVES not a reduction in lives given which is WORSE! I'm now reducing my stars to ONE STAR. I'd give zero if allowed. You shouldn't have reduced lives to 3 from 5 (king doesn't even think they're amazing enough to pull that off!). Instead you should have done away with the lives system completely. I am extremely disappointed to see that Rovio has completely sold out. Make new games, fine but dont call these games what they arent. Angry Birds was a game with excellent mechanics, creative design, boards, and unlimited game play with easter egg boards that was a joy to complete over and over. BRING US A NEW INSTALLMENT OF THAT or better yet, update the old ones with new content but please for the love of all that is holy DO NOT TOUCH THE MECHANICS OF THE OLD GAMES!
Review by sandy81676 on Angry Birds 2.

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