Using Tags – Google Drive Review

Drive doesn't show or sort on EXIF tags such as Date Taken, Caption or Description tags. In my collection, each photo is tagged as follows: 1. Date Taken: This is the date assigned by the camera or for scanned images, the one I insert. Most photo or storage software doesn't change this date, unlike Date Created, Modified or Accessed. 2. Caption: This is the title information you can add to describe the photo in many photo editing apps. It's limited in size to a paragraph or two maximum by EXIF limits. 3. Description: These are individual tags separated by semicolons which can be names of people in the photos, pets, objects, etc. which are searchable. These can be inserted in many photo apps. If these were available in Drive, you could show pictures with captions sorted by person(s) and date. How about it Google?
Review by grasshopper187 on Google Drive.

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