Someone’s mommy paid off a programming teacher – Reddit Review

I wouldn’t even be leaving this if I could view Reddit on a web browser, but since the app designer is so insecure about showing their work is worth it that they force use of the App: The color scheme is painful. Changing the font to something that isn’t migraine inducing shouldn’t be as hard as it is. Trying to do much on the top or bottom bar is almost impossible sue to the Jacky programmer not knowing how to design a layout that fits the parameters of the intended platform. Constantly hangs and requires I close and reopen the app. Since epic sued to bring down the amazing wall on the App Store garden I hope Apple starts banning bad actors with anti consumer choice standpoints off of IPhone and Mac app stores. It would set a good precedent for other providers, like Android and the play store.
Review by Emp Nu on Reddit.

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