Does Not Work, Wasted $1 - Buyer Beware! – SpinArtX Review

There is no way that this application is working like it is purported to do in the description and as shown in the screenshots. I am using the app on my iPad 4 running iOS 6. And what I am able to draw in the app looks nothing like the screenshots. I should have listened to the other reviews, take heed and listen to mine, THIS APP IS BROKEN, and abandoned by it's developer!!! It is not that I cannot replicate what is shown in the screenshots because of a lack of skill. It is the fact that when I draw in the app, my lines are just ugly, super thin, boring lines. The same goes for the dots. The results from drawing are something that looks worse than the original MS Paint. There is absolutely no blurring effect, the colors do not pop off the screen, there is just no effect to what I have drawn, it is simply, ugly plain jane lines and dots. So, either this app is severely broken. Or, the developer is a lying ripoff artist and made those screenshots in some other, better, application. And they tried to pass them off as being drawn in this terrible application. I can tell you right now. If this developer is using the same version of this application, the same garbage one that I currently am stuck with. There is absolutely no way in God's good Earth, that they used this crApp to draw those screenshots. I also did not notice before I bought this terrible application. But, it shows on the main "Details" page, that the developer has not updated or touched this app, since February 28th, 2013 (at least that is what says at the time of this writing). So apparently this crooked developer has completely abandoned this application. But they think that it is absolutely fine to still collect money from the app while duping fools like myself, and basically just stealing customer's money. I plan to contact Apple to try and get a refund, and to let them know that this application has now become Abandon-ware, and that they should remove this app from the App Store, lest they want other customers to get ripped off like I just did. Please take my advice and heed my warning. This app has been abandoned by it's developer, and it does not work whatsoever, most especially, it will not allow you to draw and produce results like those fraudulently shown in this app's screenshots. BUYER BEWARE!!!!!!!
Review by Joshua D. on SpinArtX.

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