Absolutely addictive, just a few features i wish for – Fresh Bread! Fairy Bakery Review

Ok so this game is just freaking addicting!! Its so simple but great and i cant stop playing it. Ive also recommended alot of people the game who have also enjoyed it. I only have a few wishes for what could be in the game. One thing is I wish you could close your store, making it so were customers cant come in. I think it would help with redecorating and baking when there is no breads to put onto display. Another thing is more things to spend coins on once you’ve maxed out your equipment. Maybe like clothes or shop upgrades! Also just for a way to listen to music while playing the game. Everytime i open the app while listening to music it stops it even if i have all the sfx off and my ringer off. It sometimes will come back if I play an add but not all the time. Other than that I have no complaints about this game! 10/10 would recommend !
Review by Flower??? on Fresh Bread! Fairy Bakery.

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