Love it but they keep raising the price – PocketLife Calendar Review

I’ve been using this app for years & I absolutely love it. It’s so much better than other calendar apps I’ve tried. You can customize everything from the background photos each month to the colors to the calendars you use making different ones for things like work, school, family, doctor appointments, etc with everything color coded & easily recognizable. It’s great & so easy to use. My only problem with it is you have to pay again each year & the price keeps going up. I think when I first started using it paying for a new year was $0.99 or maybe $1.99. Last year I paid $2.99. Now for 2022 they want $4.99. While that’s not a lot of money, having to pay that every year basically forever gets expensive, especially if they keep raising the price. I’ll probably pay it for this year but start looking for another option before next year which is unfortunate.
Review by Sweetlove13 on PocketLife Calendar.

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