Interesting game hampered by lack of foresight – Wave Trip Review

This is such a lovely little concept for a game. It's a shame it's so ridiculously light on content, because it's hard to recommend a $2 niche title one can complete - with respectable scores - in under an hour...maybe one or two more to master the packaged content. This should be no big deal because the game has a smart, fun little custom level creator. It's a little time-consuming to make levels that are fun to play, though, which means most people would probably largely use this feature to play the custom content created by other players. With a complete lack of game center support, no high scores for custom levels, and poor discoverability tools, though, this feature isn't nearly as cool as it could be. There are no incentives for spending the time to make cool levels if other players can't find them, or compete on them...the developer can't even be fussed to throw a few GC points at content creators? I could easily see myself mastering dozens of songs in Wave Trip if the good stuff were more commonplace and a little easier to find, but the developers haven't built a nurturing environment for this feature. Without the custom content to pad its running time overmuch, it's as I said: it's hard to recommend.
Review by Echoshifting on Wave Trip.

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