A very respectable crossword app with a download feature I really wanted – Crossword Puzzler Review

Crossword Puzzler has some interface quirks but it does the job well, and has one feature I was especially looking for - the ability to open Across Lite .puz files directly from Safari or Dropbox. The main interface quirks: first, it doesn't use the standard keyboard, but instead a set of boxy buttons which appear at the side of the puzzle when you press a toggle. It's a little odd, but you get used to it. Another oddity is that it shows wrong letters in red by default. Serious puzzlers will want to turn that off immediately. The third main quirk is that you can't expand the grid to view an enlarged section, a common feature in other crossword apps, and one especially useful on the smaller screen of the iPhone. On an iPad this won't be such an issue. On the plus side it shows a lot of other clues besides the current one, so you can scan for one you know. It can get the usual selection of daily and weekly puzzles, including NY Times if you have the paid subscription, and LA Times if you join cruciverb.com for free. I'm going to give it 5 stars, but it could really use the grid zoom capability. (There is a "zoom" setting but that controls whether the side keyboard is permanent or not.)
Review by lanulos on Crossword Puzzler.

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