Awful game, nothing like kendo – Finger Kendo Review

I wasn't expecting a detailed simulation, but this game has absolutely nothing in common with kendo. It might make a passable click-frenzy game, but don't make the same mistake I did and think its a kendo simulation game. For one, the animations are terrible, to the point of being misleading about what's going on. You think his kote is wide open? Nah, that's actually him hitting *your* kote. Does it look like he's guarding his dou? Go ahead and hit it anyway. I could go on and on. Second, the play style is completely unlike kendo. For example, You can swoop back and forth across the court in an instant, there are no waza, and crucial concepts like mai, center and pressure are completely absent. Lastly, the usability is terrible even by click-frenzy standards. For example, your positions don't reset after a point is scored and the score screen doesn't pause the game. This means you can score the first point and lose the match 2 milliseconds later while the opponent keeps pounding on you while your view is blocked by the score screen. This would be a terrible waste of time if it were a free game, but it is an absolute ripoff at $1.99
Review by anschauung on Finger Kendo.

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