Relaxing puzzle game with depth – A Monster's Expedition Review

The creators of this game have truly mastered the art form of creating a casual puzzle-explorer work of art that is as addicting as it is beautiful. True to the genre, the puzzles start out easy and get more complex as you play, exploring the realm island by island. The satirical “human museum” provides just the right amount of entertainment reward for progressing, and there’s more than just a little satisfaction at figuring out a tough island. About the time you think the game has exhausted itself, you realize you haven’t nearly finished exploring all the map. Returning to previously “easy” puzzles, you find some islands where the advanced moves you learned after you had already passed open up new paths. To explore the entire map, you have to combine several different islands into bigger and bigger puzzles. The depth and complexity of some of the more frustrating puzzles are masterpieces in design. At the end, it’s difficult to put the game down, but you walk away with the feeling that you’ve actually accomplished something, which is lacking in most app store games these days. It’s well worth the tens of hours it takes to wander through this surprisingly engaging world.
Review by US_Atlas on A Monster's Expedition.

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