Not working with new iPhone iOS update 14.6 – Icon board - Aesthetic Kit Review

This is overall a great app! Easy to use and in theory much faster to setup than similar apps out there — all icons via one profile installed at the same time. However, there seems to be a bug where more than half of the 114 icons/shortcuts I installed don’t work. It just goes to a white screen instead of to the designated app. <br> <br> The developer is aware of this issue and has posted such on the Iconboard profile on Reddit, letting users know that this is an issue because Apple keeps blocking these kind of theme customizations in their updates (surprise, surprise ??‍♀️?). I’m all about Apple products for ease of use, thorough bug testing/fixing and beautiful UI but COME ON — for a company so seemingly dedicated to knowing what their customers want before they even do, they’ve sure missed the boat on customizing theme options. They should just make it easy for us… why the hassle? Why in the world do they care how our app icons or widgets look??? Anyway, I digress lol. <br> <br> I can use a workaround to create each icon manually that’s not working via Shortcuts but that’s a MAJOR pain in the a**. Hopefully Iconboard can fix this issue soon ?? Also frustrating is the fact that the red push notification counts don’t show up on custom app icons — another Apple restriction. Argh!
Review by saralavonture on Icon board - Aesthetic Kit.

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