Can you please add dual wielding in Bedrock – Minecraft Review

Please add dual wielding to Bedrock edition. Maybe you can add it to 1.17 or a smaller update, but we do need it.Minecraft developers can you please respond to this question. Is the new ui going to need a Microsoft account like Java? Also I want to say thank you if anyone is reading this and to all those hard working Minecraft employees who are making these wonderful updates for all of us! Also this is to the people who keep asking when 1.17 will be out for mobile well Java edition has snapshots it is not fully out on Java Edition. But Bedrock does get betas for Android/Windows 10/Xbox One but not for iOS players. The update should be coming some time in June 2021. My prediction is June 23rd 2021 around 12 pm EST. Thank you for reading this. I hope you understand. Also my Minecraft PS4 crashed today can you please fix this and thank you. And can you please tell us about the new world height and moving the bedrock more down? What will happen to existing chunks of a world? Thank you for reading this and thank you for making my childhood!And my game was glitching.
Review by Norgan123450 on Minecraft.

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